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NPR Science Friday Book Club

The SciFri Book Club, created by the people who bring you the weekly public radio show Science Friday, is an online book club to bring people together around all things science reading—anything from sci-fi short stories to nonfiction science books to science articles from various publications to science-y poetry!

SciFri hosts a new Book Club season each month. The SciFri team works hard to pick the best books for readers, and community members also get the chance to pick the books they want to read together. During each Book Club season there are discussion questions, online and in-person events, chats about related reading and topics, and interviews with authors and other scientific experts about the book. Each month will be a little bit different—so you’ll need to join to stay up-to-date.

Visible Voice is one of a handful of independent bookstore partners for the SciFri book club.

This month’s book is Fire Weather by John Vaillant

In May 2016, Fort McMurray, the hub of Canada's oil industry and America's biggest foreign supplier, was overrun by wildfire. The multi-billion-dollar disaster melted vehicles, turned entire neighborhoods into firebombs, and drove 88,000 people from their homes in a single afternoon. Through the lens of this apocalyptic conflagration--the wildfire equivalent of Hurricane Katrina--John Vaillant warns that this was not a unique event, but a shocking preview of what we must prepare for in a hotter, more flammable world.

Fire has been a partner in our evolution for hundreds of millennia, shaping culture, civilization, and, very likely, our brains.

Buy the book from us on and join the SciFri book club HERE.

December 13

Book signing: Little Detours and spiritual adventures by regina brett

January 7

Noveltea Reservations (Every Tues-Thurs)