Celebrate Independent Bookstore Day 2025 by taking part in Lit Cleveland’s first official FREE Poetry Crawl. Attend one event or join us for the full crawl!
#1 Loganberry Books - 11:00-11:30am ET with host Eric Odum of One Mic Open
#2 Appletree Books - 12:00-12:30pm ET with host George Bilgere of John Carroll University
#3 Mac's Backs-Books on Coventry - 1:00-1:30pm ET with host Ray McNiece of Tongue in Groove
#4 ThirdSpace Reading Room - 2:00-2:30pm ET with hosts Just C.O.S. and Morgan Paige of Poetry Unplugged
#5 Clevo Books - 3:00-3:30pm ET with host Philip Metres of John Carroll University ft. poetry in translation
#6 Visible Voice Books - 4:00-4:30pm ET with hosts Stephanie Ginese and TJ "Peachcurls" Maclin of Con Tú